
What I believe and value

  What I believe and value  I am a cosmopolitan, a citizen of the world . I am not a patriot. Nationalism is a form of petty sectarianism. I do not identify with any city or nation, but rather with the world at large. I don’t pledge allegiance to any flag and I don’t sing any anthems.  I am a pacifist and opposed to war. I am a conscientious objector in the wider sense of refusing to fight under any circumstances for any reason. I have never owned a gun and haven’t been in a fight since I was a child. I would rather die defending my right not to own and use a gun than use one. Might does not make right. There is never a justified reason for a nation to invade another one by force, although countries and citizens have a right to defend themselves if they so choose.  The history of colonialism, particularly the slavery of people of color, deeply informs my view of America and the world. Since the war, the imperialist reach of capitalism has been as pernicious a force a...

Land (2021)

Beautiful, moving film. A must watch.

Nomadland (2020)

Nomadland is a tour de force by McDormand. It's also a bleak indictment of our times (American capitalism), a deep reflection on the meaning of life, and a really sad psychological mystery.

The Map of Tiny Perfect Things (2021)

Absolutely loved this film, which is a tearjerker in the end -- but this requires patience. A poignant remake of the groundhog day theme. Kathryn Newton and Kyle Allen are both headed for brilliant careers. My fav film so far in 2021.

The Wedding Singer (1998)

  This is the quintessential 80s movie. Arguably one of Sandler's best roles. I'd forgotten that he had two romantic leads with Barrymore, the second with 50 First Dates. She was terrific here as well. The soundtrack was phenomenal. What a fun, uplifting film.

The Impossible (2012)

  This one was even better than I remembered from nearly a decade ago. Features two of my favorite actors: Watts and McGregor. Hard to watch at times, but frequently uplifting morally. It is profound and dramatic from start to finish. Highly recommend.

Saint Frances (2019)

An intense, beautiful indie film that has redemption in the end. I'll just say that blood is a theme.